North |
Sandia Indian Reservation |
Sandia Indian Reservation |
There are a few trails beside the Rivers Edge
Communities, and a park with some double and single track north
of River's Edge. The south end of this area crosses a sandy arroyo and ties into the Corrales Bosque trails. |
The Reservation extends farther south on the eastside. |
North end of Corrales Rd |
Sandia Indian Reservation |
There are quite a few trails north of Alameda, a
main trail the whole way by Corrales, with several smaller branching
trails, as well as a levee road. These tend to get sandy in summer. Some equestrian traffic in this area.
There are some decent trails north of Alameda
some of which tend to be sandy during dry weather. |
Alameda Blvd. |
Alameda Blvd. |
Trails are very sandy near Alameda, nicer towards
Paseo. |
Very sandy trails |
Paseo del Norte |
Paso del Norte. |
There is a nice wide trail through this section, not too sandy. Trail often gets used by equestrians as well, so be heads up. |
Very sandy Trails |
Monano Blvd. |
Montano Blvd. |
Private land (I think) no public access. |
Some nice trails, some sandy ones. Sandier closer
to Montano. |
I-40 |
I-40 |
Nice flat trails for about 1.5mi north of
Central. This is about as far north as you can travel though, as the
trails decay into a sandy thicket closer to I-40. About 1mi
north of Central there is a trail/doubletrack that
goes up onto the enscarmpment just west of the wooded area, and features nice views of
the city. |
Open Space recently built a new trail in this
section, very smooth, good for beginnners or even wheelchairs. |
Central Av. |
Central Av. |
There is a newish trail in this area. It is often fairly wide, almost doubletrack. |
Some of the best developed and easiest trails are
in this area. There are a couple of nice duck ponds with trails around
them. There is also a lot of pedestrian traffic. There are some more
technical trails closer to Bridge. |
Bridge/Cesar Chavez |
Bridge/Cesar Chavez |
Lovely singletrack trail featuring some cool
whoop-de-doos about a mile south of Bridge. Just south of
Bridge there are a few sandy sections. |
Nice fast singletrack trail all the way. There is
a brief gravel doubletrack in the miiddle. Some of the
unforested sections nearer Bridge get a little overgrown with weeds in
the summer. |
Rio Bravo Blvd. |
Rio Bravo Blvd. |
There is not much except the levee road south of Rio Bravo.
Intermittent trails. There are a few trails north of the
Tijeras Arroyo (where the paved bikepath turns east), that are used for
the Sunnislope CX race. There are also a few trails/ doubletracks across
from the Valle del Oro Wildllife Refuge about 2mi south of the arroyo.
The gravel levee road south is scenic and nice on a CX bike.
I-25/Isleta Pueblo |
I-25/Isleta Pueblo. |
south |